Energy conservation with V belt to Flat belt
Energy Saving with Habasit belt
With energy costs increasing continuously, Habasit has the right
solutions for energy and cost savings across the entire range of textile
Benefits of belt:
• High efficiency
• High machine performance
• Low energy consumption
• Low costs.
Join the energy-saving campaign
For peripheral equipment
and plant infrastructure (e.g. fans, compressors, vacuum pumps, blowers, etc.)
Habasit also provides optimized driving belt solutions. Conversion
campaigns at over 2,000 sites have demonstrated that switching from V-belts to
Habasit’s fl at belts reduces energy consumption by 4% to 6%.
Energy savings on fan
The energy-saving properties of the fl at belt drive compared to the
V-belt drive have been proved during practical tests.
• The illustration indicates the saved energy as a percentage, depending
the nominal power of the installed motor. n Partial load range n Rated load
(full load) range Example (red dotted line): Energy saving of a fan drive
equipped with fl at belts on a 45 kW motor: – at rated load (full load) about 2%
– at partial load about 5% As electric motors usually work at partial load, the
energy-saving potential of a fl at belt drive is considerable. Average: 4% to 6%
energy savings
Saving energy
Saving energy is an important issue for the textile industry today, as
power requirements are continuously increasing due to high-speed operations.
The ring spinning frame is a major consumer of energy, taking 40% to 60% of
total spinning mill energy consumption.
Of this, 1/3 of the power is used to drive the spindles. Spinning mill
power costs currently account for about 12% to 18% of the total cost of
As a result, saving energy with the spindle tape has become even more
vital in the spinning industry. Studies conducted by a leading research
institute in South India on modern ring spinning frames at higher spindle
speeds have shown convincing results