Safety First.......... with H W Heinrich triangle theory

Safety First

         What is accident?

An unplanned/unwanted event which results in injury or damage to property.

Categories of accidents

         Near Miss: Under slightly different circumstances, may have resulted in major injury or property loss, but nothing happens.

         First aid cases: Minor injury.

         Lost Time Accident: Employee is restricted from work beyond 48 Hrs.

         (Temporary Disablement / Permanent Disablement- Partial/Total)

Fatal: Loss of life.

Types of Accident

• Striking against hard or sharp objects

• Struck by falling objects or moving objects

• Getting caught in between moving objects

• Falling on same level

• Falling to different level

• Exposure or contact with extreme temperature resulting tact with

burns or frost bite

• Making contact with electric current

• Breathing swallowing poisonous gases,liquid or solids


Mock drill

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