Energy conservation by BEE standards
Energy conservation by BEE standards
Technical Specifications - Distribution
1. Scope
1.1 This standard
specifies the requirements for participating in the pilot energy labelling
scheme for oil immersed, naturally air cooled, three phase, and double wound
non sealed type out door distribution transformer.
1.2 The referred Indian
Standard are IS 1180 (part I) Out door type three- phase distribution
transformers upto and including 200 kVA, 11 kV – specification, IS 2026 (part
2) Specifications of power transformers – for Temperature-rise and IS 2500
(part-I) -2000: Sampling Schemes indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for
lot-by-lot inspection.
1.3 The standard ratings
covered under the pilot energy labelling scheme is 16, 25, 63, 100, 160 and 200
kVA and non standard ratings from 16 kVA to 200 kVA.
2. Schedule of Tests:
2.1 Method of Tests: The testing code and procedure for
distribution transformer would be as per IS 1180 (part 1): 1989 with all
amendments as of date. The exception is conditions on limits of temperature
rise. For the scheme the following would be used. Reduce the temperature rise
limits of top oil and transformer winding from the existing IS 1180 (part 1):
1989 level of 450 C & 550 C to 350 C & 400 C.
2.2 Parameters to be
tested: Parameters for initial testing the type test parameters set out in IS
1180 (part 1) and the same is reproduced below: a. Measurement of winding
resistance [IS 2026 (part I):1977] b. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of
voltage vector relationship [IS 2026 (part I):1977] c. Measurement of impedance
voltage/short circuit impedance and load loss [IS 2026 (part I):1977] d.
Measurement of no-load loss and current [IS 2026 (part I):1977] e. Measurement
of insulation resistance [IS 2026 (part I):1977] f. Induced over-voltage
withstand test [IS 2026 (part 3):1981] g. Separate-source voltage withstand
test [IS 2026 (part 3):1981] h. Lightning impulse test [IS 2026 (part 3):1981]
i. Temperature-rise test [IS 2026 (part 2):1977] j. Short-circuit test [IS 2026
(part I):1977] k. Air pressure test [IS 1180 (part 1): 1989] l. Permissible
flux density and over fluxing [IS 1180 (part 1): 1989]
Revised Schedule dated
14th Aug 2007 2
Parameters for
verification & challenge testing are as follows: a. Measurement of winding
resistance [IS 2026 (part I):1977] b. Measurement of impedance voltage/short
circuit impedance and load loss [IS 2026 (part I):1977] c. Measurement of
no-load loss and current [IS 2026 (part I):1977] d. Temperature-rise test [IS
2026 (part 2):1977]
3. Tolerances: No positive tolerance shall be allowed on the
maximum losses displayed on the label for both 50% & 100% loading values.
4. Star rating plan:
4.1 Basis: The existing
efficiency or the loss standards are specified in IS 1180 (part 1). This
standard defines load losses and no load losses separately. For the BEE
labelling programme total losses at 50% and 100% load have been defined. The
highest loss segment is defined as star 1 and lowest loss segment is defined as
star 5. The existing IS 1180 (part 1) specification losses are the base case
with star 1.The basis for star rating plan is as follows:
Case Basis of
losses (Total at 50% Load Condition)
Base case
Star 1 Current purchasing practice (IS 1180 (part 1)Max Losses)
Star 2 Some
utility purchase specs like AP, NDPL
Star 3 Losses
from TOC design (Moderate)
Star 4 Losses
from lowest TOC design
Star 5 High
efficiency design